Fields and Farms

Fields and Farms

If you are looking for ways to explore the area, learn more about the work that goes into the food you eat and spend time with the family, try visiting a local farm this season! The fertile Savannah River Region is full of great agritourism opportunities. There are...
Coffee Craze

Coffee Craze

By Griffin NelsonPhotos courtesy of 7 Brew Augusta has lots of well-known coffee chains and local, niche coffee shops, but until now a middle option was missing — an expeditious drive-through experience with cheerful faces and a wide variety of drinks. The newest...
Ripe for the Season

Ripe for the Season

By Griffin NelsonPhotos by Jane Kortright The newest adventure for Kelsey Lucius, owner of Bottom Line Bakery, was technically the original one. Before the bakery doors opened, a food trailer had always been the plan as a low-pressure way to use her skills in the...
On The Board

On The Board

By Griffin NelsonPhotos courtesy of Kim Campbell Creativity and love have been instrumental in building Kim Campbell’s charcuterie board business. Her inviting approach has landed her a spot on WRDW’s Morning Mix multiple times, sharing her love for food and community...
A Slice of Good Times

A Slice of Good Times

By Griffin NelsonPhotos by Jane Kortright I have fond memories of getting pizza as a kid with family or friends. It was a rare outing for special food that equaled quality time and lots of laughs. I have found that, for most people, pizza is often associated with good...